About the project

HIV is a global problem, but it is getting rampant in Russia. One of the key reasons is the lack of awareness and the taboo nature of the topic.

According to the UN, Russia has one of the fastest growing HIV/AIDS epidemics in the world. Approximately 95,000 Russians were diagnosed with HIV in 2015, and approximately 75,000 in the first nine months of 2016. Stigma surrounding the disease, and government indifference have contributed to the crisis.

This is the social project initiated by the Infografika Agency. We made the project together with the AIDS.CENTER Foundation experts.

The project tells about the real audience of the virus and disease statistics. The information is presented so that people think that each of us can have this virus. The main aim of the project is to give awareness to the problem.

The project is timed to match with World AIDS Day — December 01.

Project team
Author of the idea: Nikolay Romanov
Project manager: Anna Kuznetsova
Designer: Lesya Balashova
Web-development: Alexey Kalinovsky
Text: Nikolay Romanov, Anna Kuznetsova, Lesya Balashova
Editor: Kliment Lysenko
Illustrator: Elizaveta Romanova
Animation: Anar Surutaeva
Art director: Artem Koleganov
Marketing: Fedor Anisimov